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Utente Junior
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Registrato: Gennaio 2015
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misuratore di giri e-station Heli Master Bantam
Quantita' Visite Data creazione
1 5245 Dom Gennaio 4, 2015
Prezzo Spese di spedizione Stato
€70.00 €7.00 Buono



 The Helimaster features a precision tachometer capable of reading up to 3000 rpms. It can store up to 10 headspeed readings for your models in its memory.

 The precision pulse generator allows you to test your servo's functionality. It tests the servo by its movement, deflection, neutral point, and bandwidth.

 No separate battery is required, as the internal rechargeable battery can also power the servo. During servo testing it also shows the electric current of the servo.

 The electric current feature allows you to choose a correct RX battery for your model by adding all five servo current loads together.

 The unit has a built-in wattmeter which is capable of reading up to 100A and 9999 watts. 

 This allows you to see the draw on you motor and ESC. The wattmeter has an automatic voltage/amp calibration, which means there is no need to calibrate the voltage of the source. 

 There is an included temperature probe, but the sensor is optional. 

 The Helimaster is capable of measuring your receiver pulse which allows you to see the range of your receiver on each channel. 

 The included RX battery checker/discharger allows you to check your Ni-Cd 4.8/6.0/9.6V and Lithium 7.4V capacity.

 Ni-Cd batteries can be discharged to 0.9V/cell, and there is no discharge feature for lithium batteries, for safety reasons. 

 The Helimaster has a nice green backlight to enhance the LCD display.

 The unit shuts itself off after 10 minutes of inactivity. The entire unit is enclosed in a durable aluminum case.

Parole chiave: misuratore di giri e-station Heli Master Bantam


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